Í morgun vórðu tiltøkini mótvegis Føroyum í samband við sildatrætuna kunngjørdar í Official Journal of the European Union.
Í morgun vórðu tiltøkini mótvegis Føroyum í samband við sildatrætuna kunngjørdar í Official Journal of the European Union. Í kunngerðini stendur, at Kommissiónin setur tiltøk í verk mótvegis Føroyum sambært grein 4 stk.1 í Regulation (EU) No 1026/2012.
Handilsforðingarnar verða settar í verk 28. august, og fevna um sild og makrel. Kommissiónin sigur, at um Føroyar halda áfram við at fiska óburðardygt, so fer Kommissiónin at herða tiltøkini. Handilsforðingarnar fevna sostatt - í fyrsta umfari - um fylgjandi:
1. It shall be prohibited to introduce into the territory of the Union, including for transhipment purposes at ports, fish or fishery products set out in Annex which consist of, are made of, or contain Atlanto-Scandian herring or mackerel caught under the control of the Faeroe Islands.
2. The use of Union ports by vessels flying the flag of the Faeroe Islands that fish for Atlanto-Scandian herring or mackerel and by vessels transporting the fish or the fishery products stemming from Atlanto-Scandian herring or mackerel that have been caught either by vessels flying the flag of that country or by vessels authorised by it while flying another flag shall be prohibited. This prohibition shall not apply in cases of force majeure or distress within the meaning of Article 18 of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea for services strictly necessary to remedy those situations.
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Les Article 4(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1026/2012 her.